Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Telecom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Telecom - Essay Example However, to serve simplified organizational goals that are specifically identified by smaller organizations, the need to design and establish a workable R & D that could address the mission and goals of the organization and within an identified budget would suffice. Smaller organizations can update themselves of telecommunications trends using various medium. As emphasized by Sachenko â€Å"organizations are becoming internetworked enterprises that use the Internet, intranets, and other telecommunications networks to support e-business operations and collaboration within the enterprise, and with their customers, suppliers, and other business partners† (1). In an article written by Rubin, it was disclosed that â€Å"small companies spend proportionally more of their revenues on research and development than large ones† (par 1). Likewise, in another study, Klein revealed that â€Å"small and midsize companies don’t know how to capture qualified research expenses and quantify them. Also, in most small companies, the R&D is heaviest up front, when they are developing products and services† (1). In this regard, small organizations could solve the problem by availing of R & D tax credits. As explained by Klein, " if you’re a startup and you don’t have research expenses for the previous three years, you can use 6 percent of your qualified research expenses to offset your tax liability, if you have any. If you don’t have tax liability, perhaps because you have no income as a startup, you can claim the credit prospectively and carry it forward into a year when you do owe taxes. The great thing is that there’s a 20-year carry-forward provision for this credit† (1). Therefore, through availing of R & D tax credits, the amount of tax liability could be minimized depending on the income of the small organization. Likewise, by being aware and recognizing which R & D

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